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Hello, my name is Helena Miralpeix, a graphic designer, born in 1999. I’m studying at the Escola d' Art i Superior de Disseny de Castelló, Spain. Since I started my career at this place and made use of Internet to explore and discover works from other artists,  I realised this is  my enterprise and the world that I belong to.   
Every year spent here, I feel that solving problems in a creative way is one of the things I mainly love about this discipline.

The visual work is the most special tool In design, therefore, which means that what has to be developed in projects is getting the problems solved by designing the best way of communication for our senses.

I'm just at the beginning of something that is going along with me, all of my life. I am more than happy working on that because is the way to grow up as a designer. Now I have the task to find myself as a designer and get fun in the process.

I am a very hardworking, happy and enthusiastic person and I never give up, so not even this will be the first time. Therefore here I present the works I have done as a beginner... Then, as the future comes, we will see my evolution as I grow up at this job.

Thank you all!

ABOUT ME: Quiénes somos
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